Boeing hits the bottom, for the first time receives no commercial aircraft orders


October 13, 2020 / For the first time in decades, Boeing did not win any order for new commercial aircraft during an entire month. It happened in September 2020, as recorded into the third quarter deliveries report issued today by the Everett-based manufacturer. In the same month of September, Boeing delivered a mere 11 commercial airplanes, out of a total of 28 handed during July, August and September 2020. Of these,13 were 787s, 5 777s, 6 676s, 1 747, 3 737s. In the January-September interval, commercial aircraft deliveries totalled 98, including 49 787s, 15 777s, 20 767s, 2 747s, 12 737s.

The manufacturer poor performance is the consequence of the combination of two factors: the crisis in air travel demand caused by Covid-19 pandemic, and the grounding of the 737 MAX. As The Wall Street Journal reports in its online edition, “Boeing deals for three MAX planes were cancelled last month while it removed another 48 from its order backlog because of concerns about the financial health of the buyers. The company has struck more than 980 planes from its firm backlog this year, reducing the remaining total to 4,325 at the end of September, including 3,403 MAX jets. Boeing has resumed limited MAX production and has more than 400 completed jets awaiting delivery, with analysts estimating as many as half lack customers following cancellations”. (Photo Wikimedia Commons Dave Sizer)

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